Lane Rental
The HAUC England established Lane Rental Forum is continuing to work together to produce guidance to assist those who are considering developing and operating LR schemes. Consultation Draft shared and responses being reviewed with some actions required ahead of publishing final HAUC England guidance document.
Street Manager
Membership of the Governance Group and SME’s recently refreshed and new participants established. SM team looking at fee structure for SM going forward plus forward plans. Inspections and Co-ordination CoP’s – The Coordination working group is continuing to work with the Insp’s group to finalise some topics of mutual interest following a “brief” given to them by HAUC-England. Priorities for future workstreams to be agreed upon with chairs of WG’s and Peter and David. The outcome from the recently closed DfT consultation will require some further adjustments to the documents to reflect the changes DfT enact.
See group reports for detail.
This came into full force in May 2021, HAUC England has shared some slides prepared by the chairs of the SROH WG badged HAUC England to highlight the significant changes and assist with the transition to the new Specification. Regional HAUC referrals to HAUC-England. One referral for mediation this quarter and a few enquiries were resolved.
HAUC (England) Plans across 2021
We continue to respond to changes brought about by Covid, and the developing situations here.
We await the DfT consultation results and will be fully engaged again with the three strands of DfT’s workshops covering fibre issues, legislation, and inspections to review the outcomes and proposed actions as a result of the consultation.
Next HAUC (England) Meeting – 26 October 2021 this will be MS teams meetings.