Safety at streetworks and roadworks code of practice
Code Of Practice Refresh Proposal
Since the publication of the COP in 2013 the Steering Group made up of representatives from the DfT, HSE, JAG and SWUK have identified a number of changes they wish to include in an updated version of the COP together with the inclusion of a number of FAQ submitted during that period.
It was always the group’s intention that this document would be a “live” piece of work which would not wait for full re-write revue before changes and inclusions were made hence the publication of the FAQ through HAUC UK. It has now come to a point where we need to formally include these FAQ and other alterations into the formal published COP. To this end the Steering Group has decided to table this proposal.
- A select group (Steering Group) compile a “Changes Document” outlining the changes / recommendations proposed to the COP based upon the existing sections of the COP:-
- PART 1 BASIC PRINCIPLES – Using the code, Responsibilities, Training and Competence, Planning & Risk Assessment.
- PART 2 OPERATIONS – Before going to site, At the work site, Setting out the works, Footway works Cycle, Equestrian Routes, Carriageway works, Traffic Control, Tramways and Railways, Checking and maintaining sites, Mobile & Short duration works.
- PART 3 EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLES – Clothing, Signs & Cones, Barriers, Boards and ramps, Vehicles
- The Changes document is agreed by a wider HAUC Working Group made up of the Steering Group plus additional representation from JAG and SWUK.
- The changes document is used to insert detail changes / additions into the existing COP
- Revised draft COP is issued for short UNOFFICIAL consultation chapter by chapter restricted to CHANGES ONLY
- Consultation responses reviewed and amendments made as deemed appropriate.
- Potential wider DfT Consultation
- Refreshed COP published. (subject to ministerial consent)
Working Chairs
Our working groups are co chaired with one representative from SWUK and one from JAGUK and where appropriate with additional representation from government departments
SWUK Chair Safety Code Working Group
Tom Lambert
I have spent the past 32 years building a professional reputation in the street works arena and have used both interpersonal skills and knowledge to contribute to my chosen field over that period of time. I am a driven individual who is very passionate about holes in the street. Some say that I am obsessed others say I am mad but either way I have made it my business to become an expert in my field and the award for Significant Contribution to the Industry granted to me in 2012 by my peers at NJUG (now SWUK) together with the Lifetime Contribution award in 2018 have been the highlight of that career so far.
Streetworks has changed beyond recognition over the past 10 years and not necessarily for the good. I believe we have forgotten the basic aim which is to provide our customers with the services they desire this includes utilities and a road network free from disruption. It is this basic principle I endeavour to return to and strive to bring the street works sector to focus upon.
I am currently the National Streetworks Manager for MGroup Services looking after our water and other utility businesses. I personally have been and continue to be involved in a number of National working groups including the Safety Code of Practice review (one of my drivers is the safety of those who work in the highway and those who interface with those works) and continue to advise the DfT on policy and strategy as well as lead and sit on a number of key strategy and policy working groups.
Tom Lambert - National Streetworks Manager for MGroup Services
Co-Chair (JAG) SWHAUC, Co-Chair (JAG) Performance, Safety & Comms Groups & Non Exec Director of JAG UK & Convention Committee Member
Phil Cameron
Phil currently holds the position of Gloucestershire's Traffic Manager and has been involved in the street works industry for a number of years. Phil also plays a prominent role in street works both regionally and nationally being regional chair of both South West JAG and South West HAUC . Phil has also been instrumental in bringing the performance scorecard work forward and the changes to the safety at street works code of practice. Phil is keen to create working relationships that drive improvement whilst allowing works promoters to carry out their essential works on the highway.
Traffic Manager - Gloucestershire County Council
Contact Us:
Why is it called the Red Book?
Very simply because when it was first published the cover was Red.
It is one of the most used documents in the Street Works industry and very quickly became identifiable by is bold Red cover.
Is there a digital copy I can use?
The HAUC App is a digital copy of the Red Book along with other things. It is a very useful app to have on your phone. However you must still carry a physical copy on site in case you don't have access to the the internet
Where does the Safety at Street Works and Road Works A Code of Practice apply to?
The Red Book as it is known, is applicable to the whole of the UK